Rabu, 09 November 2016


alamtanggamus.blogspot.co.id. Rarely there is a beach that offers complete vacation packages in one location but Turkish Labuhan Jukung in West Coast district, Lampung province this has everything to make it happen. This beach is a beautiful sunset spot, the center of the typical culinary delights, a playground area, up to the challenging surfing spots can all be done on the beach.

Lampung is a fitting place for a traveler vacation adventure lovers and beach enthusiasts. Because many beaches owned coolest province in western Java. One of the must visit is the Turkish Labuhan Jukung located in pekon / village Kampung Jawa, Central Coast districts or very close to the center of the district capital Krui.

Its strategic location which besides being in the center of this coastal city also passed Trails West makes a lot of road users was impressed and decided to stop by the beach. Jukung Labuhan beach is the beach known residents as a haven of fishing boats. While the big waves make this beach a traveler know as paradise for surfers.

Various exciting activities can be done traveler who visited this beach. Cycling along the coast is the first match of leisure activities performed in the morning or late afternoon. Those who dare and swimmers can try playing around with the waves are huge, while the surfers can directly into the ocean waves roll conguered Jukung Labuhan beach.

Pleasure does not stop there, Turkish Labuhan Jukung been equipped with full facilities including lodging and most importantly where the presence of food stalls and restaurants to accommodate the needs of visitors stomach. Food stalls and restaurants on the beach offering a distinctive variety of processed seafood caught by local fishermen, so the fish is guaranteed fresh.
If you want a romantic atmosphere, wait until afternoon when dusk. The phenomenon of the juggling world a sunset orange color will make you stunned. Of course to get the atmosphere of the evening was perfect traveler must come during the dry season so that always guaranteed sunny weather. Well, wait no more come on vacation to the beach game Labuhan Jukung.

Senin, 07 November 2016

Cara Praktis Dan Murah Budi Daya Jahe Merah Dengan Hasil Yang Memuaskan

Alamtanggamus.blogspot.com. Cara menanam jahe merah umumnya di lahan tegalan atau perkebunan yang biasa dilakukan oleh para petani. Tetapi kali ini saya akan mengulas atau membahas cara penanaman jahe merah melalui media Polybag. Berikut tahap-tahap yang harus dilakukan.

1. Persiapan Media Tanam

Untuk persipan awal budidaya jahe merah, terlebih dahulu kita mempersiapkan media tanam untuk jahe merah dari penanaman awal sampai penimbunan atau penambakan terakhir. Media tanam yang harus dipersiapkan sebagai berikut :

a. Pupuk Kandang ( Tai Kambing )    :   50 karung
b. Tanah Humus                                  :   50 karung
c. Sekam Padi                                     :    50 karung
d. Serbuk Gergaji                                :   50 karung

2. Persiapan Bibit

Untuk mendapatkan hasil jahe yang bagus, Tentu awalnya tergantung dari pemilihan bibit. Nah, untuk bibit yang ideal, di utamakan tanaman jahe yang berumur 1 sampai 1,5 tahun. Bisa juga kita cari di pasar tradisional, ciri-cirinya umbi jahe sudah berwarna agak kemerah tuaan. Dan yang paling utama adalah umbi jahe yang memiliki bakal tunas. Idealnya bibit jahe berukuran panjang
2-3 cm.

3. Penyemaian

Tahap selanjutnya adalah penyemaian. Kita siapkan dulu tempat untuk penyemaian yang berukuran 4x2 meter. Selanjutnya kita siapkan media penyemaian, yaitu dengan media pasir atau campuran tanah dan sekam padi. Setelah siap, susun bibit jahe di media penyemaian tersebut. Lalu tutup kembali bibit jahe dengan media tanam tersebut dengan ketebalan kira-kira 1 cm.

4. Penanaman

Setelah bibit yang kita semai berumur kurang lebih 1 bulan dan sudah minimal memiliki 2 lembar daun, jahe siap dipindah kan ke Polybag.

Sebelum jahe kita pindahkan ke polybag, pastikan polybag sudah terisi media tanam yang sudah saya sebutkan di atas. Untuk tahap awal, isi polybag 1/4 bagian. Setelah itu jahe siap kita pindahkan ke dalam polybag tersebut.

5. Perawatan

Untuk perawatan jahe merah sama sekali tidak menyita banyak waktu dan biaya. Cukup melakukan penyemprotan dengan pupuk organik setiap 2 bulan sekali. Karena kita menggunakan pupuk organik, jangan takut tanaman jahe kita over dosis. Karena semakin banyak pupuk organik yang kita semprotkan, hasilnya pun akan lebih baik.

6. Penimbunan Atau Penambakan

Umumnya untuk penambahan atau penimbunan media, setelah jahe berumur 3-4 bulan. Tergantung sudah atau belum tumbuhnya tunas baru. Setelah tumbuh tunas baru otomatis batang lama akan kering dan mati. Tidak usah khawatir umbi jahe didalamnya akan busuk. Karena masiih ada akar yang terhubung maka umbi jahe akan tetap segar sampai masa panen. Penimbunan dilakukan setiap 3-4 bulan sekali sampai jahe berumur 1 tahun atau polybag sudah terisi penuh.

7. Masa Panen

Setelah jahe yang kita tanam berusia 1 tahun, jahe sudah bisa dipanen. Umumnya bobot jahe yang ideal berkisar 2-3 kilo per polybagnya tergantung perawatan yang kita lakukan.
Jadi tunggu apalagi? tidak ada salahnya kita coba.

Minggu, 06 November 2016

papaya cultivation ways california

Callina Papaya is a type of papaya fruit which we can easily find in the market. One papaya breeding by a team of Center for Horticulture Tropical (PKHT) at the Bogor Institute of Agriculture, more known by the public as papaya california.

California papaya designation makes a lot of people fooled into thinking this is a kind of papaya fruit imported fruit. The fruit is thick and delicious taste makes papaya california loved by the people of Indonesia. Cultivation was fairly easy, it just takes a fertile land and can be planted in the garden or yard.

In the village of Glempang, District Maos, Cilacap, there are groups of farmers cultivating papaya california. Lasmin, one farmer said, planting papaya california from seed to fruiting takes approximately 6-7 months.

"At the age of 9-10 months california papaya fruit has begun to be harvested, after the first harvest next papaya can be harvested twice a week," said Lasmin.

California papaya fruit is currently sold at a price of 2500 / kilogram from farmers, super papaya fruit can reach a weight of two kilograms each fruit. As with other fruit species, differences in selling price california papaya has a considerable price difference among farmers than the selling price in the market traders.

Despite having a fairly large difference in price, california papaya cultivation remains profitable for farmers. "The results are abundant fruits and harvest time are constantly every two times a week, making many farmers interested cultivate them," added Lasmin.

Santo, another farmer in the village Glempang, initially admitted only to continue the cultivation of california owned by his parents, but because the results were passable, former migrant workers chose to develop it by adding more land.

"Initially only continue cultivating belongs to parents, because they see the results now I participated in developing them by adding more land," said Santo.

The market needs outside Java will papaya california rated high enough, even the farmers in the village of Glempang also sell california papaya seeds are used as seed to the outside of Java such as Papua, Aceh and Lombok.

Farmers in the village Glempang now been able to sell fruit, seeds and seedlings. Papaya seeds are sold at various prices, there is one small pack price of 40 thousand rupiah contains about 400 seeds. There is a large pack at a price of 160 thousand rupiah contain the seeds in 1600 does not include postage.

In addition to seeds, farmers also sell seedlings are ready for planting, for a 2 month old seedlings, farmers sell Rp 1,500, - perbatang, there are also seeds still life of approximately one month is sold at Rp 1,000, - perbatang.

Lasmin is one of the farmers who currently pursue papaya breeding california, even he admitted his is ready to buy back in if there are farmers who grow the seedlings bought from him.

"Buy the seeds from me and I am ready to pay his men, yes price equal to the others, or if he had the land later I love the seeds, but later sold his back to me," said Lasmin.

California papaya very much beneficial for health, increase appetite, treat stomach ulcers, prevent ulcers and to facilitate digestion. California papaya inside there is also the nutrients that are beneficial to the human body, among others, are Vitamin A, Vitamin C, B1, calories, carbohydrate, phosphorus, iron, protein and minerals.

The market requirements are quite high, making Lasmin and co-rekanya Glempang fellow farmers in the village of papaya fruit is always flooded with orders from the parties hospitals outside Java.

"Papaya California can last a week or so, so it is safe if sent to outside Java," said Lasmin.

for the readers of my blog, it does not hurt to try this plant for medium-term investment. profits are also pretty ...

Kiluan bay, the best place at sumatera

To achieve Kiluan of Jakarta and surrounding areas is that you have to cross the Sunda Strait heading to the port of Merak Bakaheuni in Lampung. You can use a private vehicle or public transportation (Public Bus or Travel) to the port of Merak. To cross from peacock to Bakauheni port. The time needed to cross from Merak to Bakauheni is for 2 to 4 hours depending on weather and the ship you take.

After arriving at the Port Bakaheuni, you can go to Bandar Lampung and also to the village this Kiluan. The journey from Bandar Lampung to the Kiluan is about 4 hours using a personal vehicle. Routes to Kiluan Bay is the start of Bandar Lampung walk towards Padang Cermin past the island Pahawang to meet intersection entered the base of the Navy. At the junction take the path to the left towards the naval base / Caravan Marine / Punduh Pidada (if the right to be in the direction Kedondong).

Once there, the next goal is the District Punduh Pidada. From Padang Cermin to Punduh Pidada takes about 1 hour drive. Besides the rise and fall is typically the route. And the good news is now already smooth road is not damaged as it once as news circulated and on the internet. Signpost with the inscription "Kiluan Bay" is also easily found from the venue. The road continues to Onion Market, at the intersection of the market take the path to the right to see the last intersection. In this last intersection take the left, where there is a gate to the Gulf Kiluan.

You have to be careful in driving because of the access road to the village Kiluan many twists and sharp derivatives
But even so in various spots your trips are offered a variety of views of the soothing eye like walking among the rice paddies, past the salt production ponds with lots of water turbines. Green hills unfold. Along the way too many seeds are dried cloves. Cows and goats are also many of us encounter along the way. Once in the Gulf Kiluan you can park your car in a place that we have provided.

here you can see a wide variety of marine life is amazing. especially dolphins.

for those of you who want to swim, but the fear of big waves, there is also a bathing place, like a lake which is right on the waterfront. enjoy the freshness of the sea water mixes with fresh water. do not miss have fun ....

to enter Kiluan beach, we had to pass through the gates unique. gates with characteristic khar Lampung siger ...
please enjoy your trip